Mark Castleberry

Hi I am

Mark Castleberry

About Me

Mark Castleberry has been a fan of science fiction and fantasy fan since childhood. He grew up on a lake in Alabama, wanting to write since high school. All the characters and stories have been lodged in his head for many years and writing them down for most of his life never having anything published, until the Internet opened up and self-publishing became an option. Now he resides in Missouri with his wife and two cats. He now writes a very imaginatively, fast-paced series of books and stories with Christian influences that just may leave you breathless. His books contain Christian morals and values, and the tales weaved into it come from the Bible.
In addition to writing books and stories for the young adult audience, he runs the Stranger and Pilgrims Podcast, which host old time radio stories and audio dramas that can open up your imagination. You can follow the author on several social media sites as well as his website.

You can find the Strangers and Pilgrims Podcast on your favorite Podcast Provider.


Redemption Trailer


Profile View 34595
Total Quotes 2
Books 6
Member Since Jun 2019
Profession Author
Country United States
Born March 29
Genre Action & Adventure, Christian Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Children's

Mark Castleberry Books

Charlee Kate And The Caves Of Venus (Space Adventure Series Book 2) Charlee Kate And The Caves Of Venus (Space Adventure Series Book 2) Amazon View Detail
Charlee Kate Meets A Bingledorf Charlee Kate Meets A Bingledorf Amazon View Detail
The Redemption Of Kings The Redemption Of Kings Amazon View Detail
Conflict With Shadows Conflict With Shadows Amazon View Detail
Into Shadow's Fire Into Shadow's Fire Amazon View Detail
The Way of Cain: and Jonah's Run The Way of Cain: and Jonah's Run Amazon View Detail


These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. — - Hebrews 11:13 KJV —
Like a lot of great science fiction, this book is an allegory for the world around us and wastes no time in exploring the subjects of faith and religious persecution. Mark Castleberry’s writing will quickly resonate with a great many readers, shining a light on the experience of having to flee for your life because your faith offends the regime in which you live. — K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite —
